JCI Marine Lines

About Us

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a worldwide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs with more than 2 lakh active members and millions of alumni spread across more than 123 countries. In India it has more than 1200 Local Organisation (known as LO or Chapters).

It was founded by Mr. Henry Giessenbier in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1915 with lofty ideals and philosophy----

"From within the walls of the soul of this organisation wherein the foundations of good character and citizenship are laid, a message will come in the sometime of tomorrow that will stir young men and women towards the establishment of a permanent and everlasting world peace"

The aims and objectives of the organisation were to provide the youth with a forum for their self-development through various personality development training programs; to understand the needs of the community and help tackle those needs again as a practical training of leadership.

The Jaycees believe that 'Better Individuals make Better Communities".

An organisation, any for that matter, works on three basic attributes---

One - Specific Objectives,

Two - a Sense of Direction;

and last but not the least, Active and Committed Members.

JCI Marine Lines has been fortunate in having all three abundantly. The last, particularly members--- driven from different walks of life, education, cultural background, vocation, have come together. Their interests, their motivation, their likes and dislikes varied. But they have all had this in common - A clear GOAL & VISION.

Our Founder JCI Senator Dr. Jivraj Shah is one 'Ratna' who continues to be involved actively to this day and we are sure, will remain so forever, guiding the Chapter Governing Boards and the members in realising the VISION and shaping the destiny of Individuals and communities.


How Did JCI Marine Lines Start

The other day we found Dr. Jivraj Shah in a reflective mood at his clinic.

We asked him, "What's up Dr Saab.?" He said he was reminiscing that period, 48 years ago when he was toying with the idea of floating an organisation, a forum for people to come together and endeavour in creative and constructive pursuits.

Those were the obfuscated days of the Emergency rule in India. Dr. Jivraj Shah, a successful medical practitioner was very much restless like the millions of Indians then.

A few of his medico friends and some others like Mr. Vijay Shukla, Mr. Girish Trivedi, Mr. Harsh Jain, Mr. Dayal Jain, Mr. Baboo Nagarsheth, Mr. Sanjeev Kanchan, etc., got together. They thought of forming an organisation which would create a platform of like-minded people to associate with each other and involve in social activities, without affiliation to any political outfit. While they were debating on the issue, they came across one of their friends, Mr. Kiran Mehta. He understood their requirements and said, "why don't you start a Jaycee Chapter in your area?" "Jaycee Chapter?"

Mr. Kiran Mehta, then a leading light with the Dombivali Jaycees, offered his Chapter's sponsorship to a new chapter. And on Vijayadashami Day, October 13th 1975, JCI Marine Lines was born. A tiny acorn sprouted. Nurtured and nourished over the years with tender care, it has grown today into a gigantic and towering Oak. A strong, prosperous, dynamic and highly active chapter marches on.

JCI Creed

We Believe

That faith in god gives meaning and purpose to human life,

That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations,

That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise,

That government should be of laws rather than of men,

That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality,

And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

William Brownfield

JCI Mission & Vision

MISSION - To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

VISION - To be the leading global network of young active citizens.